Decline of Vegetation and Disappearance of Pastures

The decline of vegetation, deforestation, encroachment on forests, and climate change have led to a decrease in farmland and pastures in Libya, which once constituted 10% of its land. This has negatively impacted life in Libyan cities, resulting in increased meat prices.

Proposal Summary The report highlights the impact of climate change on citizens’ lives without them realizing it, focusing on the lives of shepherds and how the lack of pastures has affected them. This, in turn, has reduced their products in the local market, leading to higher meat prices.

When will filming take place and why? Filming will take place after the assignment, preferably to coincide with Arab Environment Day on October 14th or World Food Day on October 16th.

How will the story be shot (Story structure)? Filming begins with general footage of a pasture, showing how climate change has reduced plant life. It then follows how shepherds are dealing with the situation and how they feed their livestock.

Suggested interviewees and questions:


  1. What challenges are you facing?
  2. How has the drought affected your work?

Rangeland Development Authority

  1. How has climate change affected the pastures?
  2. What is the total pasture area in Libya, and how has the climate impacted it?
  3. What solutions are you implementing to revive the pastures?


  1. How many local livestock do you slaughter, and what percentage does it represent compared to imported livestock?
  2. What is the price per kilo of local livestock meat?
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